Thursday, July 31, 2008

Concerns over flouride in water

Written by Dianne Colgan and Kristylee Varley
Controversy is erupting over whether too much fluoride can actually be harmful to children.
A panel of experts commissioned by Health Canada recently released recommendations to lower the amount of fluoride added to municipal water and in toothpaste.

Public Health Nurse Sherie Dolmage with the Huron County Health Unit says the most common concern with children and too much fluoride is a condition called dental fluorosis.
It can create white or beige markings on their teeth, but it is strictly a cosmetic problem and doesn't harm the teeth.

Dolmage says Goderich is the only municipality in Huron County that adds fluoride to their water (0.6 milligrams per litre) and the amount is well within the range set out by Health Canada.

As for toothpaste, Dolmage says adults should supervise children under the age of six while they're brushing their teeth and only use a pea-sized amount.
She says children under the age of three should skip the toothpaste all together.
Fluoride is a chemical that helps prevent tooth decay and many municipalities across Ontario and Quebec add it into their drinking water.
The current maximum acceptable concentration is 1.5 milligrams per litre.
Health Canada has stated that they will accept the recommendations of the panel, but implementation will hinge on individual municipalities.

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